Saturday |
addiction |
Recently, i've unleashed my inner power to recruit new products. In simpler terms, i realised that i cannot resist the temptation to shop. Last night after work, i shopped. Today, i shopped. I swear i wasn't planning to; today was supposed to be a study day for me, but all i've done till now is tutored, shopped and blogged.
I've been such a bad daughter lately, constantly making mum angry, so today when mum said she wanted to go shopping, i offered to keep her company, just to make up for my previous mischievousness. Well, okay, it wasn't entirely for mum, coz i did want to shop for a dress for the dance social next friday night, but i still like to convince myself that i am being a good daughter.
So off to DFO in moorabin. First stop: Ojay. Today, i've broken my record. Last week at valleygirl, i picked up 6 garments before i made my way into the fitting rooms. Today, i picked up 12. Impressive huh? Well, not really, coz none of the 12 was a dress. Anyhow, i tried them all out. Too big, too small, doesn't look good, ugly colour, mismatched buttons.... So, in the end i picked out 3 tops and a belt, which cost me $45 all up. Not too bad.
But the dress! So i ventured out to another shop. Second stop: Giordano. Everything was marked down! But time was running out coz the place closes at 6pm. (btw, i spent 1.5hours at ojay). I pulled out 4 pairs of jeans, tried them on, and 10 mins later i was at the counter paying for 2 of them. Impulsive buy, yet again. I think the shop assistant made a mistake with one of them and charged me $20 instead of the marked $30 for the jeans, but i definately wasn't going to complain.
5:55pm. The dress. Crap.
I spent $80 on clothes and i didn't even end up trying on a freakin dress. Annoyed at myself, yet satisfied with my purchases. I guess i'll have to just resort to what i have in my closet for next friday night. |
posted by sciurine @ 8:15 PM   |
funny |
Last night i dreamt i ate a ten pound marshmallow, and when i woke up my pillow was gone. |
posted by sciurine @ 8:13 PM   |
Thursday |
dance |
I am so glad yet so annoyed at my recent discovery of what uni actually have to offer. Dancesports. I cannot believe that it's taken me three full semesters before realising their existence.
I've taken every opportunity this week to figure out what sort of style of dance i most enjoy. Latin, Street latin, or Swing. Street Latin is very, i would describe to be quite a sexy type of dance, involving quite a bit of hips and waist. Latin is more groovy sort of style, like the cha cha and jive. It's almost like some of the dances you see on the movie grease. While Swing, is well, jazzy. Girls spin and turn a lot, whilst the guys keep the funky rhythm. If only my timetable didn't clash with Modern dance class, i think i'll enjoy that one, where you can actually use the moves in bars and pubs.
Well, the verdict? I quite like Street latin, but Latin definately isn't far off, and swing takes the cake by far. But i love the Jive from the Latin class, and i hated this german dude from the street latin class, whos eyes tend to peak at certain curvatures of the women's body. I can't decide if i should take two classes or one. Swing is definately down if i can afford it.
Decisions, decisions, decisions...when do they stop.. |
posted by sciurine @ 6:35 PM   |
hard candy |
After a long day at uni, although my eyes were almost bloodshot red and i had to constantly suppress my facial muscles from letting out a yawn, i could not resist my inner temptation to go watch "Hard Candy." One word; marvellous. I'm no review writer, so i'll leave that up to the experts. The next must-see movie for me is Hoodwinked. Comes out next thursday. Can't wait. |
posted by sciurine @ 6:21 PM   |
names made to be laughed at |
I come across many many names everyday at work and most are quite "normal" and i guess, boring, like michael, jordan, dave; but occasionally, i get the odd patients who's names make me laugh. Not at them of course, but just their name in general. Like, Mr. Kittipoom Rodsen. Now, am i supposed to say "Hi Kittipoom" or be formal and say "Good afternoon, Mr. Rodsen"? I wonder what his nickname was when he was a student; Kitti, poom, or roddy? All too confusing.
I normally greet patients as they come in and ask, "is it john?" and then tell them to take a seat. The other day, this patient, Yu Chew, came in. Without synapsing, i accidently uttered out the words, "Is it Yu (pronounced 'you')?" Not surprisingly, he gave me a blank look, slowly and hesitantly nodded. I told him to take a seat, thinking he didn't understand english, but soon realised i was the fool, not him. |
posted by sciurine @ 6:07 PM   |
Sunday |
agony |
I am in so much pain at the moment. My right calf keeps cramping up, my left buttock is in pain and so are my hip adductors, and my trapz have never been this tight before. And the thing is, i've only got one hot water bottle. I so could do with a gentle body massage right now, but of course, reserving some spots for certain people only *wink wink* |
posted by sciurine @ 5:40 PM   |
Saturday |
puzzled |
Sometimes, i think i think too much. Most of the times, i think i don't think enough. Right now, i think i'm over-thinking.
I tend to be a person who acts on impulse; on intuition. But i figure, occasionally, intuition calls but the corresponding actions don't necessarily follow.
Right this moment, my intuition is telling me that my actions are wrong. My heart is telling me one thing, but my brain tells me otherwise. I thought hippocrates proposed that the mind, body and soul are all in one; i guess i'm a bit of an unique case.
Should i be acting on intuition or impulse? Or should i just be logical and correct what i have been doing wrong? I feel squeezed and suffocated in between two difficult decisions. But i really can't decide.
I think i'm a simple person; but sometimes simplicity isn't always a virtue. Perhaps i seem to be a complicated person to some. I believe complicated people tend to get themselves in a lot of mess. Working on this continuum of simplicity and complication is a rather difficult task, but i think it's time for me to seek a balance. Most moments call for me to be simple and laugh at myself, but there are the occasional times that tell me that i should think more deeply.
Boredom often triggers thinking for me. Distraction, i guess, could help. But there is nothing to distract me at work right now.
I'm puzzled. And i think i've puzzled those who are reading my post too. Maybe i'll elaborate one day, when my heart and brain become one. That'll be when i reach my final decision. |
posted by sciurine @ 12:52 PM   |
Thursday |
funny...not so funny |
I continue to amaze myself with my, well, stupidity. I sometimes ask myself why i commit these pure stupid acts. I absolutely hate myself for doing them, but they just never seem to stop. This morning was no doubt, the worst i've ever done.
For once, i woke up early enough to eat breakfast and shower this morning. I left myself plenty of time to get to the station, but some odd reason, time just seems to run out no matter what. So i ended up parking at the station just as the train slowed to a halt. I had time to run and make it, but in my disorientated moment of hurriedness (if there's such word), i forgot to turn the engine off before taking off and locking the doors. Yes, you read that sentence correctly. I took off with the keys locked in the car and the engine running. I could not believe my eyes when i turned around to peak into the window, wondering why fumes where still coming out of the exhaust. I've only cried twice this whole year, but this certainly could've almost add to the tally.
Still in shock and disbelief at my clumsiness, i shakedly tugged out my mobile and searched frantically for RACV number. This lady picked up on the other end and ask how she may help. My first response, "Hi, I'm really nervous at the moment, I'm at oakleigh station, i've locked my keys in the car (at this point, i heard the lady on the other end of the line let of a small patronising sigh) and my engine's still going." I spoke so quickly in the chilly cold weather, and was ready to repeat it again if she'd asked. But to my amazement, she comprehended every word and said they will arrive in a time frame of 60-90mins.
Trying desperately to keep warm, i strolled up and down beside the rattling engine of my car. After about a 30mins wait, this yellow vehicle drove in my direction. Enormous relief flowed through me. That feeling was better than that of completing all my exams, going on holidays, better than eating a buffet after a 40 hour famine.
This relatively large guy got out of his car and gave me a smile. I swear i could've given him one of my very reserved and special teddy-bear hugs.
I thought that was all the drama i could possibly fit in in a period of 60mins, but there was more. I realised i left my wallet at home. So off i went back home to retrieve my wallet before rushing off to prac class, which i was almost an hour late to.
*sighs* |
posted by sciurine @ 8:12 PM   |
mixed emotions |
I'm so happy and annoyed at the same time. Is that possible? |
posted by sciurine @ 8:01 PM   |
Tuesday |
orientation |
North. South. East. West.
You will not believe how lost i can be sometimes. I have been such an adventurous person since getting my car. Too adventurous, i'd say. I would turn into streets never heard of before, take different routes home, but the thing is, i don't have a melways in the car with me. So on several occasions i've actually found myself lost in some random area. Stranded.
Today, i lost my way coming out of monash university. Confident that i know the clayton vicinity (the area) well enough, i thought i'd take a 'short cut' and turn the other way at the round-about. Well, i ended up on a freeway. But but but..i was smart enough to go into a petrol station to ask for directions!! hehe..
I think a melway would help next time. A compass would be handy too. |
posted by sciurine @ 7:26 PM   |
Sunday |
three important life lessons |
1) Lions are not tigers. Tigers are not lions. They are different.
2) Never drink orange juice after using collgate.
3) Freeway exits are always on the left. I repeat, LEFT. |
posted by sciurine @ 9:07 PM   |
Saturday |
Bad example |
One day two very loving parents got into a huge fight, the man called the women a "bitch" and the women called the man a "bastard". Their son walked in and said "What does bitch and bastard mean?" and the parents replied "ladies and gentlemen". The next day the parents decided to have sex, the women said "feel my titties" and the man said "feel my dick". Their son walked in and asked "What does titties and dick mean?" and the parents replied "hats and coats". On Thanksgiving the dad was shaving and he cut himself, "Shit" he said, the kid came in and asked "What's that mean" and the man said it was the brand shaving cream he was using. Down stairs the mom was preparing the turkey, and she cut herself, "Fuck" she said. Once again the kid asked "What's that mean" the mom said that is what she calls stuffing the turkey. Then the door bell rang. The kid answered the door to his relatives and said "Alright you bitches and bastards, put your dicks and titties in the closet, my dad is upstairs wiping the shit off his face, and my mom is in the kitchen fucking the turkey! |
posted by sciurine @ 5:31 PM   |
yo momma's jokes |
Time waster...
Yo mama's so stupid that she thought Boyz II Men was a day care center. Yo mama's so stupid when she went to take the 44 bus, she took the 22 twice instead! Your momma's so dumb the computer said press any key to continue and she was looking for the any key Your momma's so dumb it took her an hour to make minute rice Your momma's so dumb she stayed up all night studying for her blood test Yo momma's so fat her cerial bowl comes with a lifeguard Yo momma so fat when she walks past window we lose four days of sun light Your momma's so fat when she fell over, she rocked herself to sleep tryin to get back up again Yo momma's so fat that when the whales saw her they started singing "we are family" Yo mamma's so fat she was attacked by japenese mlitary, they thought she was godzillas wife. Your momma's so fat she makes free willy look like a goldfish Yo mama is so fat when I layed back on her stomach i rolled twce and I was still in the middle |
posted by sciurine @ 5:18 PM   |
dilemma |
The other day on the tram, i came across a dilemma. A silly dilemma: "should i breathe with my mouth or nose?" This tram stunk like rotten cheese plus a fart bomb. If i breathe through my nose i would smell the terrible skunky smell, but if i breathe through my mouth, there will be no ciliary escalator to filter the rotten air particles. Dilemma. Maybe i should just learn to hyperventilate before getting abroad, then holding my breath during the trip.
Damn, i just realised how nerdy i must sound. |
posted by sciurine @ 4:49 PM   |
aunty jo continued... |
OMG, this is so funni. Aunty jo replied:
yeah it's me I'm glad everythin is going well for you I come bearing some news of myself had a lump in my breast for a while just got it diagnosed and it is breast cancer am in the 2nd stage just waiting now to see a surgeon and then my operation after that thinking positive and will always be there and thinking of you guys always LOVE AUNTY JO I have a feeling this is all a joke, and i figure i should stop replying or else the joke will be back on myself. |
posted by sciurine @ 4:08 PM   |
frustration |
Frequent scenario at work: "Did you want to make another appointment with the physio?" -me "Yes, next tuesday please" - patient "uh huh, i've only got 2 appointments left on tuesday, one at 5pm and the other at 6pm." - me "Ok, can i come in at 5:30pm?" - patient "No no, that's booked, there's a 5 or a 6 left" - me (keeping my calm) "Oh ok, how about at 4:30pm?" - annoying patient "No there isn't" -me "Oh ok" - patient "There's only 5 or 6pm left." - me (meanwhile, the receptionist next to me, Naomi, giggles) "So i can't come in at 5pm?" - patient "You can come in at 5pm. Did you want to book that?" -me "No, i think i'll just call up later" - patient
omgomgomg, unbelieveable, i tell you. |
posted by sciurine @ 11:21 AM   |
constipation |
I didn't realise how bad i am at speaking mandarin until last night when i was hired as a physio interpretor for a patient for a whole 15mins. I had to translate questions to and fro the physio and chinese patient regarding hydrotherapy. I'll give you an example: ask her whether she has any digestive tract problems, previous injury, and tell her that she will enter the water via stairs instead of a hoist and the water is chest height and there is a rail for support. *sighs* I struggled, not only because of the difficult translations, but also to breathe under the garlic smell of her breath *urgh*. I think i was speaking cantomandarin if there's such language. Felt like an absolute dickhead.
After studying chinese for a total of 14 years, i would've thought i could speak fluently. That wasn't the case. I could listen and comprehend everything they say, but just can speak it. Verbal constipation they call it. |
posted by sciurine @ 11:03 AM   |
Friday |
life at work |
I'm at work right now, supposed to be working, but have nothing to work on... this is not an unusual situation i find myself in every wednesday and friday afternoon. I sit patiently at my desk in the sports medicine clinic, struggling to find things to do. Just 3 hours ago, my manager, Michael was here, so i felt pressured to work. I folded stacks of manilla folders, put away files, answer the infrequent phone calls, and did everything in extreme slow motion- except for talking to patients, of course. Thank goodness he just walked out the door.
Now i'm bored once again...
Sometimes i wonder if i would have more fun if i was still at maccas, running around like crazy, yelling at people, and getting yelled at in return, and sneaking a few fries and nuggets when the manager's not keeping watch. I missed those days, though i don't think i'd wanna go back. Now i find myself on the other end of the spectrum where boredom prevails.
What am i gonna do?!?! |
posted by sciurine @ 5:46 PM   |
intense fear |
I always understood and knew what it is like to feel frightened, scared, shocked and disgusted, but never really been through the feeling of intense fear, until recently. After that horrid day where i was convinced to watch the ring by elise back in year 12, i have refused to pick up another horror movie. I went through three nights of nightmares, waking up with cold sweats, afraid to open up my closet, and too scared to walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night, even in desperate moments. But leaving that behind me, i picked up the courage to watch wolf creek with my boyfriend when the clock stroke 12am a couple of nights ago.
Based on a true story of a backpackers murder, wolf creek is essentially about a sadistic serial killer who resides in outback australia, who spends his days luring stranded hitchhikers to their death. Although it gave me a fright here and there, and had me under a bit of tension, i didn't think it was much of a horror movie. Essentially, the only horror i got out of the 2 hours was in the first few lines at the beginning of the movie, where it mentioned that it was based on actual events. Nevertheless, i must say, it was a truely gruesome movie, and it certainly got me, and keegs, flinching and wincing throughout the two hours.
These few days after watching wolf creek, i've innocently put myself into quite a vulnerable situation, where i almost ended up in tears due to fear. I've had cold sweats because of intense fear, but fear has never ever involved my tear ducts. The first situation occurred after work a couple of nights ago. I parked my car that afternoon a fair way from the station coz i couldn't find any other parking spots. I didn't think it would be a problem, having so much confidence in my general orienteering skills *cough cough*. When i got back after work at 8pm that night, it was pitch black around that area. Clever me, i thought i could take a short cut back to my car, which involved me walking down unfamiliar streets with no street lights. At first, i didn't think it would be too long a walk. So i walked further and further into this pitch black street, and before i know it, i've lost my direction. Looking behind me, i knew it was too late to turn back. Clenching my fists tightly and looking back every few steps making sure no one was following, i hurried down the street. At that instance, the image of the sadistic killer came to mind. I swear i could've cried. It was the longest 10 mins of my life.
Well, you know when people say once may be an accident, but twice is stupidity, sadly, i think i can pass for being stupid. Just 4 hours ago, i parked my car at the back of the movie shop to return wolf creek. Clayton, an area where i've basically grew up all me life, i would've thought i knew that place by now. But once again, i've been proven wrong. I took the wrong turn and landed myself into a land of the unknown, surrounded by a fence and dumpsters. The smell did not concern me at all. Fear made me clenched my fists so hard that my nails where digging into my palm, and with the other hand, i was holding onto the dvd. My sympathetic system kicked in and my eyes went watery.
Both times, i eventually made it safely into my car. But i didn't feel safe in my car. Recalling a scene from the movie, the killer hid in the backseat of his victim's car and stabbed her to death. I knew horror movies weren't designed for me, but perhaps if i watched another thriller, i might forget my fear of this one...
Note to self: park in places where i know where i am, how to get back to the car, and make sure there are street lights around the area.
Never thought i'd ever end up staying up late blogging. I think i've somehow scared myself a little with this blog. crap. |
posted by sciurine @ 1:17 AM   |
Thursday |
aunty jo |
I received this random email from a new zealand resident the other day. It reads:
I am so happy for you, and I hope baby does the deeds and go hard! Give my love to all .I would go on more but Im waitin on phone calls. Heaps of love Aunty jo Apparently i've just had a baby. So, being lee, i decided to email back:
Aunty Jo! nice to hear from you. It's been a long time since we've spoken. Hope all is well. Yes, the baby is going very well, fat and chubby, i sqeeze his cheeks every night before i hum him to bed with that song you used to put me to bed. Love lots.
I think "aunty jo" would be quite freaked out when she reads my reply, muahaha. I shall keep you updated on my progress when she returns the email.
posted by sciurine @ 10:12 PM   |
Thoughts, ...flowing slowly and gracefully, ...awakening the senses, ...keeping you up in the night, I sometimes wonder why people write. To express? To reflect? To be heard? I write, to free myself from a world of thoughts.
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