Thursday |
thank you, santa rudd |
On the 14th October, the Government announced a $10.4 billion Economic Security Strategy to help boost the Australian economy and provide support for households. All Australians under the Youth Allowance scheme was given a lump sum payment of $1000. I am one of those who now carry the burden of stimulating the Australian economy (not that I’m complaining of course).
It is like a dream come true. A handful of cash dumped into my hands, screaming at me to go on a shopping spree, no strings attached. This Christmas is by far the best Christmas so far.
Let me see…
Things I would love to do with the $1000… 1. Spend two nights at a bed & breakfast get away, with a package offer including a private mineral bath, mud face mask and an hour long remedial massage. 2. Dine at The Press Club on New Year’s Eve. 3. Buy an SLR for somebody. 4. Buy a new wardrobe. 5. A skincare set from shiseido. 6. Clothes, clothes, and more clothes.
Things I should buy with the $1000… 1. One pair of Crocs. 2. Two watches. 3. Three tops for going out. 4. Four pairs of pants. 5. Chanel number Five Allure fragrance. 6. Six casual tops for work. 7. Seventy photos to be developed.
And the remainder goes to a nice expensive dinner to be had with a special someone. And a teapot. |
posted by sciurine @ 10:38 PM   |
no entiendo |
Since the age of 10, I have stopped purchasing picture books, actually, stopped being given picture books by my parents, rather. Sort of sad, but I guess it’s just one of the many things we grow out of as we age. Big picture books with few scattered words, gradually transformed into ones with more words and fewer illustrations, and eventually being replaced by words printed finely in size 10 font with no pictures.
Now, hitting the benchmark of becoming an adult, I have returned to my old habits of reading a picture book. This was given to me as a gift for Christmas,
 Usually picture books are designed in such a way that children can follow the story by purely looking at the illustrations. This one is different. Not only do the pictures tell you nothing about the story itself, but the fact that the whole book is written in Spanish only adds to the frustration - the frustration of not being able to read the slim book in a matter of minutes, and the need to look every single word up in the dictionary.
It is a complete tease to receive this as a gift. But nonetheless, you have succeeded in motivating me to learn and to persevere. Thank you. |
posted by sciurine @ 9:41 PM   |
Friday |
get the ball rolling... |
This new skin brings about a fresh new beginning, a change, reminding us the importance of looking at things from another perspective so that we may learn to understand and accept all that we see for not what they appear to be, but what they truly are.
Excuses relating to a lack of time and importance of sleep have me inadvertently leaving this blog page untouched for months. It would be unwise of me to pick up from where I had left off , as that might take a few months worth of catch up posts, so I’ve decided not to. You’ll just all have to miss out *shame*
Life after graduation is quite a big change. No study, no books, no uni. Some people can’t live with the fact that life can be at a standstill phase temporarily, where it is completely acceptable to be doing nothing. I can. I enjoy the fact that there’s nothing to do, no where to be, no exams to study for, no supervisors watching my back.
The only thing that stops me from remaining in this phase of life is the rapid depletion of saved funds. Previously, I had taken tuition money for granted; living months in a row without needing to even access my savings account to the stage that I had almost forgotten my PIN. Now, my savings account has transformed into a spending account, where a dollar spent is a dollar gone. I sign the dockets as if I’m spending monopoly money. But in the back of my mind, a little devil speaks, “in a couple of months, you will be working full-time.”
Though, I have taken a little initiative today, or more so, couldn’t resist the temptation of double hourly pay, and accepted a catering shift on Boxing Day. I have quite a bit to live up to with this shift, considering that my employee record with this catering company hasn’t been so great. In fact, I am surprised that I am still on the employee list even after rejecting over 20 shifts in the past months. I have this bad feeling that the rostering lady is going to pull me up and tell me off when I arrive up for my shift.Labels: update |
posted by sciurine @ 11:55 PM   |
Thoughts, ...flowing slowly and gracefully, ...awakening the senses, ...keeping you up in the night, I sometimes wonder why people write. To express? To reflect? To be heard? I write, to free myself from a world of thoughts.
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