heads down bottoms up
This new skin brings about a fresh new beginning, a change, reminding us the importance of looking at things from another perspective so that we may learn to understand and accept all that we see for not what they appear to be, but what they truly are.
life at a stand-still
Today is Wednesday. I am officially three days into my three long weeks worth of holidays, and i am bored. It's not that i don't have things to do, but…well, yeah, it's that i have nothing to do.

Waking up to the afternoon sun, or there lack of, my mind was laden with thoughts of missions needing to be accomplished for that day. Zilch. I tossed over in bed and consciously attempted to chase my half-finished dream. If you gave me the chance to sleep in like a pig two weeks ago, i swear i could've kissed you, but right now, it seems as if the more i sleep, the more brain cells i lose - not that there were many to begin with.

I'm too efficient. Aside from homework and other important tasks, i get nonsense out of the way too quickly. I cleaned my room, washed all my clothes, changed new bed sheets, and even snuck in a full length movie all in a matter of hours. In hindsight, if only i had just paced myself and worked through it slowly, i might actually have something to waste my time on right now. But blogging is bliss.

Meanwhile, resting on my desk is a pile of un-read urgent mail from three different superannuation companies, all of whom i apparantly belong to. I've laboured in numerous jobs in the past five years, and only recently realised that each employer have signed me up to a different super funding, without my permission - at least, none that i was completely informed of. I should really read before i sign that dotted line, for maybe one day i'd unknowingly end up signing my life away to the small dungy restaurant known as maccas.

Despite enormous free time on my hands waiting to be wasted, i have yet to muster up the mind power to drag my arse out of the front door for a true run. I blame it on El Nino. This is where the treadmill comes in handy. With a switch of a button, you have a narrow piece of moving ground under your feet, whilst you simulate a running motion that will eventually tire you out. I used to worship this piece of invention, but after spending an hour of lifeless running on the spot yesterday, i cannot bare to use it again. I have recently developed the need for a mission when i run; to get somewhere for some reason, even if the reason is simply to feel as if i've accomplished a mission. If the meterologist is correct, tomorrow i shall run to my friend's house, purely for the sake of running.

After a brief however painful argument with mum this morning, i decided to go for a casual drive. For the records, driving with no particular destination or purpose in mind is in fact, a very dangerous idea and shall never be attempted, ever again. You lose yourself in a sea of meaningless thoughts that returning focus on the road is almost infeasible. Put simply, don't try it.

I am proud to say that i consider myself to be a patient driver. I can deal with red lights, slow-ish drivers, trams, and pedestrians. But today tested my bloody patience. Driving behind a car of elderly citizens at 30km/h in a 60 zone is simply unjustifiable. Slow drivers are just as dangerous as those who speed. Perhaps VicRoads should consider the cause of the many road rages/incidents before targeting young drivers and implementing unreasonably strict laws in their desperate attempt to reduce road toll. But i am in no way bounded by these newly set laws, therefore, nothing for me to really complain about.

Simple things make me smile. Sitting at Borders with a coffee and a book in hand makes me smile. Spending a day at a friend's house for the sake of spending a day at a friend's house makes me happy. Watching the petrol prices surge an extra 10 cents/Litre straight after i filled up my tank makes me grin.
posted by sciurine @ 1:11 AM  
  • At 9:31 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    I’m the queen of procrastination.
    You should always seize the moment and find joy in lil’ things in life. Enjoy your break.


  • At 5:45 AM, Blogger Jingo said…

    I've got a three month holiday so imagine the boredom I'm facing! The best way to ease that boredom would be to read and broaden your horizons (in preparation for the next harry Potter book coming out ;)

    I've also got a new blog now. It's:

  • At 7:54 PM, Blogger sciurine said…

    crashdummie: hey, thanks for dropping by! So good to be back blogging. I shall enjoy my break =)

    Jingo: u lucky boy! I've added your new link

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Thoughts, ...flowing slowly and gracefully, ...awakening the senses, ...keeping you up in the night, I sometimes wonder why people write. To express? To reflect? To be heard? I write, to free myself from a world of thoughts.

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