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This new skin brings about a fresh new beginning, a change, reminding us the importance of looking at things from another perspective so that we may learn to understand and accept all that we see for not what they appear to be, but what they truly are.
Just curious...

A question brought up at the dinner table:

Why is Jesus born on the same date every year, but ascends heaven on different date every year?
posted by sciurine @ 7:44 PM  
  • At 12:10 AM, Blogger Prioroftheori said…

    Just so you know, Jesus was actually born in March, cos He's a PISCES, and the years 0 - 2000 was known as the AGE OF PISCES because of Jesus, He wasn't freakin' born in December.

  • At 11:45 AM, Blogger gneake said…

    So who was born in December?

  • At 8:34 PM, Blogger sciurine said…

    exactly! So what are we celebrating christmas for?

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