Friday |
reasons to vent |
I am immensely saddened by my failure to blog as much as I had hoped to recently. I blame it on uni. There is no point in complaining, but, what the heck, I’m going to anyway. Uni is expecting us to pre-read and post-read chunk-load of journal articles and lengthy chapters in textbooks on a weekly basis. By chunk-load, I mean, if we read two articles per night, roughly two hours on each, seven nights a week, I will fall behind – which is exactly the situation I am in right now.
I purchased two textbooks a few hours ago, adding up to approximately $AU200. Why I need to buy them when there’s a library, you may ask… well, unfortunately there’s plenty of selfish dickheads roaming around the biomedical library, cleverly looking well ahead of lecture dates and getting the books before us, and cunningly hiding textbooks on obscure shelves on a different storey. And ‘cause I haven’t been able to get to the books or even find them in the first place amongst other self-inflicted excuses, I am almost seven chapters behind. Mind you, it’s only the second week back.
Okay, enough of complaining.
Actually, give me couple more paragraphs.
Full of energy and enthusiasm to catch up with school work, I very diligently gave myself a good sleep last night, visit the GP and then go into uni early to study for a few hours before work. As luck would have it, my train was delayed by 10mins. That was fine. But when it eventually arrived and we hopped on, the ‘express’ train slowly crawled its way into town along the railways at an estimated 20km/h. Think of a car running so low on fuel that it can only manage another kilometer: that was how slow the train was. I could’ve cycled faster than it. First, I thought that must be just for this station, but NO, it crawled for another few more k’s, then an announcement came through:
“Folks, I usually don’t cruise around at this speed, but there is a malfunctioning axial thing on the front of this train and it is not safe to go any faster than this. In fact, it is not safe even at this speed. Bear with it for the mean time and we will be terminating at Caufield.”
What the Hell?! I’m not surprised that there’s yet another malfunctioning of a connex train, but I am deeply shocked that I didn’t get to hear, “Connex apologises for any inconvenience caused.” They apologise so often that the apology has become meaningless – in fact, it’s almost a joke now:
Last year, I walk into PBL late: Other group members: “oooh…late are we?” Me: “Connex apologises.”
So, after an hour and ten minutes trip into town (that should’ve taken 25mins), I rocked up 45mins late to my appointment and 2 hours late for my pre-planned study time. I wonder if I can possibly sue connex for interruption of my studies… |
posted by sciurine @ 5:24 PM   |
Thoughts, ...flowing slowly and gracefully, ...awakening the senses, ...keeping you up in the night, I sometimes wonder why people write. To express? To reflect? To be heard? I write, to free myself from a world of thoughts.
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