heads down bottoms up
This new skin brings about a fresh new beginning, a change, reminding us the importance of looking at things from another perspective so that we may learn to understand and accept all that we see for not what they appear to be, but what they truly are.
get me out of here
Is it just me or this week has gone super slowly? It's only Tuesday, and i was over the whole examination process yesterday afternoon. Crap.

Surprisingly, the week doesn't quite feel like an exam week to me. No stress whatsoever; which explains why i'm here blogging. Or is it returning and connecting to my addiction? Either way, i need someone to stress me out without increasing my risk of hypertension.

It was rather exhilirating walking into examination hall today. Not that i was particularly looking forward to sitting there and writing for two hours, but just excited to turn the page over and see what's hidden inside. You spend all week studying and trying to predict what's on the paper, and here's the time you get the answer to your long-awaited question. How could we not get excited?! Almost like a christmas present - or not. But the excitment generally dissipates extremely quickly before reading time finishes.

These past two exams gave me mixed emotions. Yesterday's 100 Multiple choice paper was pure exhaustion and i don't even have a clue how many questions i was actually confident with. Honestly, no more than 20. I depise lecturers would don't lecture and yet expect us to answer their questions. (Yes, Ernie, that's you.) And today, i didn't get to complete the paper, and left 15 marks out, but i walked out poised and carried the oh-i-don't-care attitude.

I reckon the less prepared i am for something, the more adrenaline rush i experience before an exam. Adrenaline equals euphoria. So..does that justify my lack of motivation to study, and my reason for blogging again? Blogging is my euphoria fix. *yum*

Oh and on another note: I hate sexyback by justin timberlake. Grosses me out to picture him tightly grasping a standing microphone, rubbing himself up and down poking his tongue out whilst singing that song. eww. *cold shivers* (Don't ask me why that imagery comes into my mind when i hear that song)
posted by sciurine @ 7:46 PM  
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Thoughts, ...flowing slowly and gracefully, ...awakening the senses, ...keeping you up in the night, I sometimes wonder why people write. To express? To reflect? To be heard? I write, to free myself from a world of thoughts.

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