heads down bottoms up
This new skin brings about a fresh new beginning, a change, reminding us the importance of looking at things from another perspective so that we may learn to understand and accept all that we see for not what they appear to be, but what they truly are.
out of words
I am so damn sick of deep and meaningfuls right now. My mind was so clogged up, and i use the word 'was' because i think i'm telling myself that it no longer is. I am slowly freeing myself of such mind-boggling thoughts. So i'm going to refrain from speaking my mind on this blog for sometime. On a lighter note...

Hip-pip-hooray! Petrol prices are going down, down, down. It is at an all time low, and today, i filled up half a tank, yes that's $40, at 1.18/Litre. I am so happy. It'll hopefully last me a couple of weeks, but considering that my car gobbles petrol like a fat boy eating cakes, i have a feeling the tank won't last me long at all. When i first got the car and paid for all the insurance and road worthy certificate, i thought that'll be all that i'll need to pay. I didn't really think about maintainence and petrol and other money-related stuff. But certainly no regrets there, coz i have no idea how i'm supposed to survive without my car nowadays. I figure once you grow use to something, you just can't live normally without it. Dependence i call it, and its definately a bad thing.

I think i've got issues with punctuality. Through my whole high school life, i've always been the one either on time or early, never late. But how things have changed. The other day my friend asked me, with all due sincerity, why i'm always late. That question stumped me. I have no idea. It may be because my motivation to go to uni has just withered away these days, or maybe it's coz i've become such a lazy bum and no longer want to drag myself out of bed, but i think my past definately has something to do with it. Being such an obedient young lady for all my schooling years, i think my inner rebellious self is forcing its way out. I definately get kicks out of being rebellious. It feels great and i'm not going to change that for a while, though i may regret it when i get my neuro scores at the end of the year. But i'll worry about that when the time comes. On the topic of uni, i've realised today in prac class that i'm so over being the therapist. I just wanna kick back and be 'patient'..hehe, and squeeze in a few moments of non-REM sleep whenever and where ever i can. I am so going to regret this when prac exams come.

I am so proud of myself for organising volleyball today. Woohoo. I haven't played since O'camp earlier this year, and today, my love, passion and adrenaline from volleyball all rushed back into my system. Yes, my arms were bright red and stinging and i've managed some bruises from diving for shots, but i don't complain. Feelings are so much more significant than the body, i'd say. My next adrenaline rush will probably, and hopefully, be from a game of badminton. A friendly competitive game; one where we can yell and scream at eachother for losing points and aim the shuttle cock at eachother. It'll be so much fun. I really don't think i'm a competitive person at all, but seriously, with sports, competition is fun, if you take it in the right way. Competitions make you aim for something; afterall, what is life when life has no aims?
posted by sciurine @ 9:08 PM  
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Thoughts, ...flowing slowly and gracefully, ...awakening the senses, ...keeping you up in the night, I sometimes wonder why people write. To express? To reflect? To be heard? I write, to free myself from a world of thoughts.

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