heads down bottoms up
This new skin brings about a fresh new beginning, a change, reminding us the importance of looking at things from another perspective so that we may learn to understand and accept all that we see for not what they appear to be, but what they truly are.
My first ever drink was probably one of the most the most embrassing moments of my high school life. Although i was under a little bit of alcohol influence, i do recall some parts of the night. It was back in early year 11 when i was invited to a joint 18th birthday party. We had the entire house to ourselves. After a bit of dancing, mucking around, mingling, some random handed me a bottle of cruiser. It was yellow, the bottle looked nice, everyone else was drinking, so why not? i thought. So that was my first ever sip of an alcoholic drink. After maybe 1 hour, i finished 3/4s of my drink, and i remember finding myself outside the house with my friend, yelling at eachother for godknowswhat. A moment later i find myself lying in bed with 4 friends hovering over me with warm wet towels and fanning me. I must have forgotten bits and pieces of the story, but that was through outline and you can just imagine how much i've been bagged ever since.

Four years down the track, i've learnt. I am slowly getting use to alcoholic beverages and can most certainly manage more than 3/4 of a cruiser. They say alcohol is a depressant, but i look around me and wonder how that is true. People get high on alcohol, they let their hair down and go wild. Then the next day they seem to have undergone alcoholic selective amnesia and suffer from a massive unrelenting headache, a condition we call hang over.

I'm a little different. I think alcohol momentarily cheers me up, helps me unleash my inner self in front of random randoms, but in the end it inevitably draws me into deep thinking. Though i don't think i can ever manage a deep and meaningful under influence since i've never tried, i think the alcohol tugs at my brain and throws me into a sea of melancholy. I go quiet, withdrawn and eventually sleepy. I think i'm a pleasant drunk to most.

On a different note, CONGRATs to the beautiful Brownlow Medal winner for 2006, Adam Goodes, u are bloody awesome. Two consecutive brownlows!!
posted by sciurine @ 11:25 AM  
  • At 12:30 AM, Blogger Requiem of Eternity said…

    Haha, my first ever drink was sips of my dad's wine probably early in secondary school. Then, joining in a wine-tasting party at my parent's friend's house - that was year 8 or so...what can I say? I'm an early starter >_<

    Hmmm, Adam Goodes reminds me slightly of someone in physio (or yesterday's Adam Goodes)

    (NB. It wasn't 2 consecutive brownlows. The last one was in '98 or '99, last year was Chris Judd)

  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger gneake said…

    who? sen?

  • At 6:20 PM, Blogger sciurine said…

    oops, it was in '03 and '06. Oh well, either way, he's a good bloke. i remember him hugging his mum and almost crying back in '03 when he got it..aww..

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