heads down bottoms up
This new skin brings about a fresh new beginning, a change, reminding us the importance of looking at things from another perspective so that we may learn to understand and accept all that we see for not what they appear to be, but what they truly are.
driving theory
After reading the bus theory, published by Dr K Bow, it triggered a few thoughts in me, and a couple of days ago, i came up with an even better theory - the driving theory. I reckon the way individuals drive really tell you something about their personality. Let me explain.

Those who drive silently with both hands on the wheel, radio switched off, and always a few k's under the speed limit lack self-confidence or are generally over-cautious or pedantic about everything in their lives. On the other end of the spectrum, you have those over-confident, try-to-be-cool people who find themselves constantly speeding even if they are in no rush, tailgating every car whose driving within the speed limit, pumping the stereo system so-damn loud that the car shakes under formation of standing waves. You can also judge someone's patience by their driving. Just imagine the car in front of you in the right lane stops to take a right turn into a side street from a busy two lane main road, do you stop behind them and wait a minute or do you quickly glance at your mirrors and dash into the left lane to overtake?

You then have the in-betweens - those who drive within speed limit, but speed when absolutely necessary, don't mind waiting behind cars if in no rush, and turns the stereo system up to an acceptable volume. These people are probably more easy going, not too overcautious with anything and just sits back and see what life brings.

Another interesting fact is how someone cares for their car. You have those who takes their precious baby for a scrub at the carwash on a weekly basis and refuse to park in areas without shelter. They are (probably) white-collared business people who either have too much time and money on their hands or they actually treasure every single possession they have, materialistic, and overly concerned about their appearance. On the other hand, poor lazy bums or overly busy people who don't take much care of their car. They are generally more practical in everyday life, and not caught up with a few mistakes here and there. Then you have people who only clean the inside of the car but not the outside. I'd say they are more longing for a comfortable lifestyle, not concerned about appearance, as long as they and their passengers are happy.

I think i know what sort of person i am - though i might have been a little too biased in this publishment.
posted by sciurine @ 1:37 PM  
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