I have been laughing and giggling so much lately. It's actually quite scary. A couple of days ago, I was standing at a bus stop and heard a middle-aged women's phone go off with the "Merry Christmas" ringtone - finally, someone in this world is more lost and dazed than myself! I was standing there all by myself giggling away under my breath. Strangers around me must've thought i was a weirdo. But as i've been told today, who cares! I can't agree more with this statement. Last night i watched a bit of American Dad and the randomness got me started again...
I figure it's quite easy to get me into a good mood, but it's just as easy getting me out of it. Would you call this moody? Please don't be honest.
I just read this chinese proverb: A smile will gain you ten more years of life. If you count how many times i've smiled today, i think i can surely get pass the 100 mark with ease. Another thing i realised about myself is that i lose apetite when i'm upset but gain it when i'm happy. So, i have been eating a lot. For lunch today, i managed to finish 2 platefuls of pasta, 3 servings of garlic bread, and scoffed down 2 large-sized meat lovers pizzas. I wonder what was going through my little mind when i decided to step up to the pizza-scoffing contest. I felt so bloated after it, but so satisfied. Back to the proverb: if i smile when i'm happy; and a smile gains me ten more years of life; but i eat heaps when i'm happy; then i become obese; lifespan is cut short because of obesity; then wouldn't that just bring me back to the beginning and prove that proverb wrong?? I wish there's a button that just turns my brain off... |